...come on a journey with us as we live adventures...
Which first- the good or bad news?
Well, the good news is that 1 the excavators came out this morning to dig the basement.2 We also had out dumpster hauled away this morning. It was loaded to the brim.
And 3 we got a port-a-potty. It is literally inches from my front door. (I am rolling my eyes at the hilarity of it all.) My life and house are chaotically crazy. The bad news is that after digging a very short time, they hit water. I don't mean broke a pipe; I mean hit the water table. I guess in our area is is very close to the surface- only about 6 feet down. We needed to dig 9 feet deep for the footings and foundation walls. So, at this point, we are waiting to see how to proceed. We have a few options we're considering at this point. Any suggestions? Any sympathetic comments would be appreciated.
One more thing. A huge THANKS to Troy's parents and 2 youngest sisters who came over last night and helped finish the prep work. They stayed really late- until the whole house was staked off and ready to dig. another Thank You to Parker, who also helped tear out the roof. Last night, and Monday he helped us finish demolishing the shed.
Last weekend, we cut down our trees. It was a sad, sad, day for me. I lost 2 mature, fruit-bearing apple trees, a delicious peach, and a year-old apple tree I received as a graduation present last year. Troy wasn't as sad, though. He just loves "playing" with his chainsaw. We filled up 3 big truckloads and dumped them at the city cleanup site. There was a free dump day. Lucky us! Here are some of the pictures.Spencer wanting to push the dolly like his big brother
Timmy taking the firewood to the trucks
Loading up the truckTwo loads of tree branches getting unloaded. We also dumped the piles of firewood you saw earlier on this post
One of the apple trees we cut down
Troy getting his chainsaw going after it sat all fall and winter. Not an easy task!
"You can go through life and make new friends every year – every month practically – but there was never any substitute for those friendships of childhood that survive into adult years. Those are the ones in which we are bound to one another with hoops of steel."
-Mma Ramotswe, from the book The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, by Alexander McCall Smith