Thursday, March 13

State Capitol Dinner

Troy & I went to a dinner at the State capitol building a few weeks ago with his parents. It was the annual meeting for the Convention and Visitors Bureau, which the hotels are members of. The dinner program was borrrrring. But, there were tours of the newly renovated building, and that part of the evening was wonderful. I was disappointed with how most of my pictures turned out, but I have included a few of the good shots.

The first is of the outside of the building with our state flag flying high. (I still cringe when I call it "our" state. Arizona will probably always feel like home.) The next two are murals from the Senate room and the State House [of representatives] room. I found the cherubim interesting because of all the controversy we hear about separation of church and state. The other is a landscape painting of the southern part of the state. (Yes, the ceiling was curved- it's not an optical illusion.) We go camping there a lot, and it is beautiful.

The last picture was taken in the "Gold Room." Once the computer reduces the resolution when I post it, you will probably have a hard time making out the thing I was trying to get a picture of: the incredible view of the Salt Lake Temple framed perfectly in the window with its ornate drapery, moldings and carpeting. This room is intended for hosting dignitaries from other countries and other important people. The photos don't do it justice; this room is so formal and fancy. The gold leafing was so intricate and the woodwork was all hand-carved and is the original. It was so well- preserved. Well, enough of the history lesson! I don't want to bore you to death.

1 comment:

Collier Family said...

That sound really neat, and the pcitrues are really neat too! And I enjoyed the history lesson!!