Friday, March 28

Nicole's latest ad-venture

Some of you may have noticed the new "Pay Per Post: Hire Me" button on my page. Well, I signed up to be sponsored by companies wanting people to blog about their products, services, web pages, or issues that affect their businesses. So, the entrepreneur in me decided to give it a go. These advertisers/ companies will pay me to write for/ about them. Sometimes, I wonder what I should blog about, so this will be a good remedy for the writer's block.

Another thing I have liked about this opportunity is the exposure. I often feel like I'm isolated in "Mommy-land" and have no connection with what is going on in the real world. By looking at some of the companies who are advertising, I get a glimpse into what the non-Mommies are doing out there. I like having a good excuse to explore the foreign realm of the real world.

I am not sure how much (if anything) I'm actually going to make doing this, but I doubt it will make me rich or famous. One thing I would like to do is get back into the Tupperware scene. I used to sell it when I lived at home with my parents, but that was many moons ago. When you sign up with Tupperware, you get a starter kit with a lot of great products, but it costs about $129.99. I think if I earn that much doing this Pay Per Post, then I'll invest the money on the starter kit. One thing leads to another.

I was on a friend's blog and noticed a button that said, "Get paid to blog about the things you love." It piqued my interest, so I clicked it, and was intrigued with what I saw, so I signed up. I guess one way you'll know if I like doing it is if you see me continuing to put the advertising-type posts up. I'm considering putting that button up, too, in case any of you might be interested in checking out this opportunity. In fact, here's a link to their site payperpost.

Don't worry, though. I will continue to post about my usual stuff: the kids, the construction, the chaos, the usual. :-)

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