Sunday, March 23

Happy Camping Birthday to Me

This year, Easter was earlier than most. So, Troy's family's annual camping trip coincided perfectly with my birthday. So, instead of getting a sitter, getting all fancied up and going out, I donned my scrubbiest jeans and a sweatshirt and headed to the desert for a campout. The Easter camping trip has been a tradition of theirs for a long time, so I usually go along, albeit with a moderate amount of whining, griping, moaning, groaning and complaining. It would be an understatement to say that I don't love camping. However, camping and dirt biking are 2 of Troy's favorite things, so we go whenever we have the opportunity.

To their credit: they did make a bigger deal about my birthday than usual because the first day of camp was my birthday. And to Troy's credit: He spent the day in camp with me, instead of out riding. He even promised to celebrate my birthday "my way" when we got home.

I read 4 books on the trip. What a treat! I usually feel guilty when I read 4 books in 4 days, but, there was nothing else to do, so I curled up and read. Troy even gave me a new book for my birthday that I am looking forward to reading: Presidents and Prophets, by Michael Winder. He came and lectured at a Relief Society party, and he even signed my copy, and wished me a happy birthday.

Grandma and Pa don't have and little kids at home anymore, so they were excited to have someone who could hunt for eggs. Tiffy and I colored eggs on Saturday, and then later that day we had an Easter egg hunt. Timmy was so funny to watch. He would often run past 2 or 3 eggs to pick up one he saw first. We had a makeshift Easter basket- a metal mixing bowl, but Timmy didn't care- he filled it up anyway.

After finding most of the eggs, one broke open, and the candy spilled out. That was the end of the hunt. Tim sat down in the dirt and started munching. Someone, we won't mention names, (see photo for identification) fed Spencer a bright blue Whopper egg. You can see the drool coming from his mouth is the same bright blue color. Gross!

I think one reason boys like camping is purely anatomical. Luckily, our trailer has a toilet, shower, sink, oven, stove and microwave, but even so, Timmy and his dad love to pee in nature. I think I will never truly understand the thrill it must be for boys to pee on rocks, holes, trees, sticks, bugs, and all the other things God created for us to enjoy. They would come home from motorcycling and Timmy, among other things would tell me all the interesting places he found (with Daddy) to pee. On the opposite end of the spectrum are us: We women do not enjoy squatting on a bush and dripping dry. Like I said earlier, it has to do with anatomy. Men were created for peeing outdoors.

New subject.

I am spoiled to have such a nice camping trailer when we go out in the wilderness. There are a few pictures of us inside the trailer. When we camp, the floor quickly acquires a thin film of dusty dirt. It was funny to see that when we let Spencer crawl around on the floor, it is cleaner when we pick him up than when we put him down! That can only mean one thing: Spencer was a dusty, dirty baby when we finally came home.

I don't want this post to sound like a complete whine session, but the scenery was lacking. Normally when we camp, there are beautiful vistas, lots of trees, water, flowers, all the things you think of when you hear "camping." But, this campsite was desolate. I have the ugly pictures to prove it. It was also windy and Spencer and I got sunburned, in spite of wearing sunscreen. (sun"scream" as Timmy appropriately calls it- he screams the whole time we apply it to his face.)

Timmy is growing up to be more and more like his Daddy every day. He is falling more and more in love with motorcycles every day. He knows what has to be done before he can go, and he eagerly helps to get it all done: put on socks, shoes, gloves, helmet, goggles, and coat. Make sure Daddy has all of his gear, and his pack with water, and lunch packed. Make sure the bike has gas. Go to the bathroom (preferably on a rock or anthill). Then, we're finally ready to go!

The other thing that boys love is getting dirty. Camping is the perfect opportunity to fulfill this great desire. From the moment we arrived, Tim sat in the dirt and was soooo happy. He made himself a slide out of a dried up river bank. He just sat down at the top and pushed himself to the bottom. He climbed back up and did it over and over and over again. He invited us to join, but we politely declined the offer. Spencer also loved the dirt, especially eating it. Yuck! He somehow filled his mouth with dirt, which quickly turned to mud, and we met with much resistance when we attempted to clean his face and mouth.

We made a big dent in our firewood pile; after loading the bikes, we filled the rest of the truck's bed with wood. This made life easier in camp, we didn't have to hunt for wood. (Which is good, because there weren't any trees to be found.)

Overall, it was a better birthday than I anticipated, so I really can't complain too much.

1 comment:

Collier Family said...

Wow!! Sounds like a very eventful, exciting, yet kind of dull and slow birthday/camping trip. I love how you describe everything, especially how much boys love to pee on anything interesting!! That made me chuckle!! Happy Birthday by the way!!