Friday, March 14

Hot Dogs, Marshmallows, Books? and Firewood

As you can see from the enormous wood pile, we need to get rid of some of it. What better way than with a backyard cooking fire? So, while Troy was at work today, we walked to the store, bought the hot dogs (Oscar Mayer Cheese Dogs- My favorite!!), buns, and marshmallows.
We also dug the firepit and hauled the 10 stepping stones to border it, filled 2- 25 gallon water jugs with pitchers and water from the kitchen sink, and selected the book to use to start the fire.

When Daddy got home, we were ready! Because it rained today, the wood was a little damp, so it took a little longer than normal to get it going. But, Troy is really good at making fires. When we camp, all the girls try to start a fire and after a while, they inevitably come find him to really get it going. In the meantime, Timmy got tired of the fire, but busied himself climbing on the woodpile. The first 2 pictures were taken with him standing in the same place on the wall. So, you can see what a huge pile it is. Soon enough, the fire was ready for cooking. We all cooked our own hot dogs, including Timmy. He was so pleased to eat his charcoaled outside, cold inside dog, just because he had done it himself. What an independent streak! Then we roasted some marshmallows, and for dessert, We burned a book.


Yes, I am in a book club, and last month, someone, I won't mention names, chose the worst book I have ever read. The storyline was terrible, the language was so foul it was offensive, and I didn't like the writing style. I almost hate to mention the title, to peak your curiosity, because I would never recommend this book to anyone. But just to illustrate the irony of the title and the book's fate, I will. It was titled "Juniper Tree Burning," and I told someone in the book club that it deserved to be burned, so I included 2 pictures of the book in the fire, just to prove the point. I know it's silly, but it made me smile.

If any of you locals want to join us for a backyard cooking fire, just let us know. Or, if you need wood to have one in your yard, you know where to get it!


suz said...

This cracks me up!! What a perfect and ironic fate for that dreadful book!

Collier Family said...

Sounds and looks like fun! And thanks for the info on the book. I'll be srue to steer clear of it!

Tasharoo said...

That cracks me up! You are a trooper for getting through it! The more I hear from people, the happier I am for not wasting my time!...I'm sorry you did! But burning the book sure does make your feel better I bet! Between you and me, I've never liked a book the un-named member has suggested. Pope Joan is still my favorite!

Tasharoo said...

I have to say when I first saw that you were burning a book I was appauled! Now that I know what book it is, I'm totally fine with that! Kind of jealous I wasn't there to experience it!

Tasharoo said...

In defense of my misspelled was nearly midnight. Thanks for letting me know!