Tuesday, July 1

Blog Bugs

I just wanted to gripe a little... These are a few things that "Bug" me wen it comes to blogging.

Automatic Music Players When I read blogs "live" instead of via Google Reader, I don't like when someone's playlist starts blaring. I have had it wake up babies, and sometimes, I am listening to my own music. Other times, it "tattles" on me when I say I'm just going to check my e-mail really fast, and then end up blogging. So, I made my playlist the kind that has to have the "play" button pushed in order to play.

Word Verification on Comment moderated or private blogs It just seems like a double whammy. If you use comment moderation, you don't have to post any comments you don't like. If your blog is private, the only people commenting are those who you've invited. So, why all the security?

Light colored text on light colored or similar colored backgrounds also, very busy patterned backgrounds with text directly over the pattern. These blogs are simply too hard to read.


RachelM said...

hey, send me your email so that you can read my blogs. I want to put kiddo pics up, and dont want some creepos reading it;)

Channa said...

Haha! I think I agree on all counts. :) I usually turn my speakers off before I look at blogs and I agree about the word verification :) You are cute!

Brett and Ali said...

Wow, I officially annoy you! I personally don't spend the time to figure out how to turn on and off the comment verification, I am too busy blogging. Sorry!

Tom and Shalaun said...

I think your complaints are valid. Am I allowed to disagree on something? I have comment moderation and leave the word verification on anyway. I do this -so I don't get program-generated comments on my blog. I've never tried taking it off, though. Perhaps it wouldn't be a problem.