The heat of summer has made Timmy reconsider his plan to go barefoot all year. While at the grocery store I cruised down the seasonal aisle, and there were some adorable flip flops for cheap. I asked Timmy if he wanted some, and he did. I almost continued my shopping when Spencer began fussing. He wanted something to play with. So, I grabbed a pair his size and finished my shopping. (You almost need two of everything just to prevent a "sharing" quarrel from erupting over every novelty.) When we arrived home, I put the shoes on the boys and just started laughing. They extend a good inch beyond the tips of their toes, so I was convinced neither of them would be able to walk without tripping. It is Hilarious to see Spencer especially toddling around with flip flops on. Luckily his pair has heel straps to keep them on.
Timmy's feet (and my dirty kitchen floor)
Tim just after lunch wearing his shoes, and a dirty face, too
Spencer's feet (yes, he has a farmer's tan- until today, he only wore tennis shoes and socks). He's a slower eater and is still in his high chair
Their first attempts at walking in the new shoes. Not only do their shoes match, but they are wearing matching shirts, too. That is one thing I like about having them spaced so close together is that I can buy their clothes in the same department and they often match! (I still think girl clothes are cuter. I wonder if Troy would mind if I got them matching dresses... Yes! he would.)
I love baby feet!
5 years ago
Hi Nicole-
Melanie Allen emailed me and asked me to send you an invite. So I assumed she had a link to yours so I searched through hers until I found yours. I can't beleive you have two boys. They are so cute! It looks like you are all keeping busy with your basement project. Good luck!
This reminds me of my life...the having to have two of everything to avoid a fight and the matching clothes (I just love my boys to have matching clothes!).
Flip flops are the best! And, yes, I do know about the buying of I have to purchase 3! Oh, well, if it makes them happy. :)
ROmney loves Spongebob and is wondering where we can get a pair of those babies for Ainsley:)Thanks for letting me know how to do more pics per post, I've been trying to figure it out for a while now! Spencer is getting so big, And TImmy too, but the last time I saw Spencer he was itsy bitsy. Such a cute family!
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