Sunday, April 20

Park Pals

We walked to the park with our pals, Sheri, Aiden, and Eli last week. The weather was warmish and windy; a storm blew in that night. It was all fun and games until Timmy got hurt. After he recovered, it was back to the fun and games. He walked in front of a boy on the swings, and got kicked in the head. Earlier that same morning, he fell on the couch he was climbing onto the tile. So, in the photo, if you look closely, you can see the swing scrape, and the couch goose egg, just to the right of it. Ouch. Poor kid!

After a few tears, we played on the slides, climbed on the caterpillar, ate our picnic lunch, played on the swings, and walked back home. Timmy liked the motorcycle, although it never seemed to go fast enough. Spencer enjoyed the bark more than his lunch. At times, Tim preferred to stand guard at the tube slide, and protect it from other kids, than to slide down it himself. It seems like no matter how long you play at the park, for a kid, it is never quite long enough. We still had to pry them off the swings and drag them from the playground.

Both boys fell asleep on the ride home from Sheri's house. (The real reason Moms go to the park.)


Shannie Bananie said...

hey nicolie, i made a blog but i have no idea what im doing, see if you can find me. p s what did troy say when he say all timmys owies

Tasharoo said...

How did you get all these great backgrounds? Where to do put that in the template? Help! I want to be cool like you!

Nicole said...

Hey Tasha,
To do the backgrounds, click the link on my "Places I peruse" in the nav bar. Once you choose your "papers" it is easy. It took me about an hour to change it all. I even had a little glitch and emailed the girl whose blog it is and she emailed me back the next day with the HTML instructions of how to fix my prob.
I can't wait to see yours get a face lift.

Tasharoo said...

Aha! Thank you! I will have to play with that the next time I have a few hours! I'm excited!