Thursday, February 28

"When it Snows, We're Going to the Beach"

I went to manage my pld posts and found this post with all the pictures ready, but no text, so here it is:

The first week in December, ( same week as the "Duck, Duck, Goose" post) we went to California. We told Timmy tha we would go to the beach when it snowed, and lucky for us, it snowed the day before we left for California. Here are a few pictures of us on the beach at sunset and in the dark. Timmy was terrified of the water and we had a hard time getting him to smile for the photo shoot, so here are some pics of a screaming Timmy, a happy Spencer and a Mom struggling to hold them while Dad takes the pictures. These are old, so I am not going to write too much. It was Newport Beach, and they have a Fun Zone with a ferris wheel and a merry go round. Timmy loved the horses and it was a lot of fun. It was also a good motivator to get him to eat dinner. Troy isn't in any of the pictures, because he was the photographer, but he was there, too.

Saturday, February 16

Finally! Some New Pictures

We're ready to go play in the snowEnough pictures, already. We want to go outside!
Spencer is happy to help Mom unload the dishwasher. Unfortunately, he isn't tall enough to reach the shelves, so the silverware is all going on the floor. Oh, well.
Can you see my 4 teeth?
Whew! Tromping around in the snow sure is tiring. Timmy taking a rest on his snow chair.
No matter how long we stay outside, he never complains of being cold-even though he's got bright pink cheeks and a cherry red nose.
Spencer waving good-bye to all of you.
It's a good thing he's so adorable, or else throwing all the clean silverware on the floor would get him in trouble.

These pictures were taken in January, but I hadn't downloaded in over a month. Call it Lent. :-) I haven't felt like getting out all the stuff, so I temporarily gave it up.

Friday, February 15

I've been tagged!

So, my pal Julie tagged me, which, I'm told means that before I can post anything to this blog, I have to list 6 facts about myself.

1. We are planning on making a large addition to our house. For Valentine's Day, Troy & I are "giving" each other an architect. Or, in other words, we are looking for someone to draw up the plans we have designed. How romantic...

2. I have a new calling to work in the nursery, as of Jan 1, 2008. Since that time, I have gotten sick 3 times. Any chance those are related? At this point, Troy would comment something like, correlation does not prove causation.

3. I hate snow. I don't want to sound too negative, so I will leave it at that. If you really want to know the details, call me and I would be happy to have a gripe session about snow.

4. Yesterday, I (with the help of my lovely mother in-law) re-arranged the boys' room. I am really pleased with the results. Although it is a small room, the way she suggested we move the furniture really opened it up and makes it feel more inviting and spacious. It also helped that we took 2 baby swings, and 2 boxes of outgrown clothes out to the shed and moved my hope chest into another room.

5. We are hoping to go to visit the folks down south in warm country for Easter/ Spring Break/ My Best Friend's Wedding. My friend Tonya, is recently engaged and is hoping to get married the day before Easter, which coincides perfectly with Spring Break, so the uncles will be out of school. (A note to all other friends: don't get your feelings hurt that Tonya is my BF, I still like all of you, too.) Timmy said something funny about the uncles the other day, "Garrett is the big uncle, [streched his hands high above his head and used a deep voice] and Kirby is the little uncle [pinched his fingers together and used a squeaky voice]."

6. We spend a minimum of 2 hours a day reading books, often more than that. Some of our (Timmy's) favorites are: Curious George (no thanks to uncle Shannie G.); Mercer Mayer's Little Critter Books; Big Al; Go, Dog, Go!; most of Eric Carle's books, especially the Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Very Busy Spider; Clifford; King Bidgood's in the Bathtub and he Won't Get Out; and Bears on Wheels. We go to the library at least once a week because I get sick of reading the same books over, and over, and over, and over...

I don't feel like tagging anyone else specifically, especially since not many people visit our blog, and of those that do, very few have blogs of their own, However, if posting 6 random facts about yourself sounds like fun, consider yourself tagged!